Triple your views
Double your storage
Triple your views
Double your storage
If you post your campaign on social media, add it to your blog page or web site and email it to a few hundred folks you can exceed the 250 views in your Basic account. So the Deluxe OTO adds 500 more views to make sure you don't loose a single lead or opt in. Those extra views also mean 750 new prospects could see your video campaign in the next 30 days. You get all this with Deluxe and still save 35%!
Deluxe also doubles your storage with 5 GB or extra memory. You can store tons of videos, more sales copy, more media images and links for just Twenty dollars. But you must act NOW! You just turned down the Double Punch OTO. You said "No Thank You" to a second campaign plus extra views and storage for just $40.Now it's time to say YES to Deluxe for half that price.
This is the last One Time Offer. Your last chance to enhance the power of your Basic Advantage account. If you say "No Thank You" this last offer is gone. Click on that Buy Now Button.