bizVideo Swipes for Affiliates
Instructions for using Links: 1. Images: a) In the link below the image, replace YOUR_AFFID with your actual JVZoo affiliate id b) Upon replacing, just copy the entire link and paste into an appropriate location in your HTML source code copy 2. Videos: Copy the entire link below the video image and paste into an appropriate location in your HTML source code copy
Transform T-shirts, Brochures, TV Ads and Direct Mail into Video Campaigns
Make TV advertising work for you
Video marketing via texting is fast and easy with bizVideo
Capitalize on Their Interest using bizVideo
Get Your Video Campaign Seen by More People
Respond at their peak point of interest with bizVideo
Video marketing in 3 easy steps
Harness the power of video marketing
Use Promo Text to make more money
Never suffer from old links again
Overcome social media's biggest limitation
Extract more value from your webinar or meeting
Furnish YouTube's missing elements
Supercharge email marketing with bizVideo
Launch : Transform T-shirts, Brochures, TV Ads and Direct Mail into Video Campaigns Headline/Subject Line: Turn your coffee mug into a video campaign Prelauch CTA: Click on the link to learn more about online and offline video marketing with bizVideo and how you could save upto 70% off the regular price. Launch CTA: Open your bizVideo account today and save upto 70% while marketing with video online and offline! Just click on the Buy Now button.
Message Body Hi, this is Ajay with bizApps. Recently I received a very nice coffee mug from a vendor. It's a nice quality mug, a step above the promotional items companies typically give away. I realized this company must have invested some serious money for this promotion and all they could hope for was to make an impression. But what if that mug could do two things? What if that mug could hold coffee and open a video? If a promotional item could play a video, it could do a lot more than just make an impression. It could generate some serious qualified leads. It can, with bizVideo. Just to prove it could be done, I took a video from their web site and built a bizVideo campaign. Then I took the campaign QR code and put it on their mug. All that was left to do was to scan the code with my cell phone and watch the video. In less than 10 minutes I turned their static promotional item into a video campaign. Using bizVideo you can turn T-Shirts, Jackets, mugs and hundreds of promotional items into interactive video campaigns. For the first time you can distribute your online video campaign with offline items like posters, mailers, jackets and coffee mugs. That is how you harness the true power of video marketing.
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Launch : Make TV advertising work for you Headline/Subject Line: Make TV advertising work for you Prelauch CTA: Click on the link to learn more about enhanced TV advertising and bizVideo. For a limited time you can save upto 70% off the regular price. Launch CTA: : Open your bizVideo account today to harness the power of video advertising. Do it now and you can save upto 70%! Just click on the Buy Now button.
Message Body Broadcast television advertising plays an important role in marketing. Unfortunately, it can be expensive and it cannot identify interested prospects. But you can overcome these limitations with bizVideo. Take all the time you need: Long TV ads cost more than short ads. But what if you could make your short ad longer and not pay the station another penny? You can and it's easy. All it takes is the QR code from your bizVideo campaign and one edit. Simply insert your bizVideo QR code into your TV ad. Invite your audience to scan the code and they will see your bizVideo campaign. Your campaign video can be any length you want. You only pay for a 30 second spot and add your campaign video of any length. Identify who is interested: Do you know why advertisers keep repeating their phone numbers over and over again? Because until you call them they will never know that you are interested. The problem is, broadcast television cannot identify sales leads. It also cannot capture their contact information. But bizVideo offers an effective solution. Add your bizVideo Campaign QR code to your TV ad. Interested viewers scan your code, which opens your campaign. In bizVideo they can share their contact information, offer comments and submit inquiries. bizVideo lets you know instantly that someone is interested and who they are. You can respond to them via text message, an email or a phone call. Sell Direct: Do you know why infomercials always use a toll free number? Because broadcast television cannot take an order. But bizVideo can and it offers a simpler and quieter approach. Insert your QR code into your TV ad. When prospects scan the code, they can open your order form. No call center needed. Your prospects just scan, click and order.
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Launch : Video marketing via texting is fast and easy with bizVideo Headline/Subject Line: Increase your response 40% with one simple change Prelauch CTA: Click on the link to learn more about leveraging social media marketing with bizVideo and how you could save upto 70% off the regular price. Launch CTA: : Open your bizVideo account today and save upto 70% while leveraging social media with video marketing! Just click on the Buy Now button.
Message Body Did you know that text messaging returns a 45% response rate versus emails' 6%? That means delivering your video campaigns via text messaging could increase your response rate almost 40%. But how do you deliver an entire video marketing campaign in a text message? With bizVideo. Delivering your bizVideo campaign via text message could not be easier. You simply paste your campaign link into a text message and send it on its way. When the person receives your text, they just tap the link and start playing your video. That's the power of bizVideo. That 45% response rate indicates they will want to respond to your campaign, so bizVideo also makes it easy. With bizVideo they can share their contact data or ask a question at any time. In fact they never have to leave your bizVideo campaign screen. The contact form is right on the screen with your video. There are no links, no clicks and no distractions. It's the most powerful combination in video marketing. Customers want to receive your video marketing via text message. bizVideo makes it easy for you to deliver your campaign via text message. When prospects want to respond they can do so very easily, at any time and never leave your bizVideo screen. Open your bizVideo account today. Start texting your bizVideo campaigns and take advantage of texting's 39% better response rate. That's how you harness the power of video marketing with bizVideo.
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Launch : Capitalize on their interest using bizVideo Headline/Subject Line: Capitalize on their peak point of interest for profits Prelauch CTA: To learn more about bizVideo and how you could save upto 70% click the link. Launch CTA: Click the link to open your bizVideo account today and save upto 70%.
Message Body Do you want your prospect's attention focused on your video? Or do you think you will get better results distracting them with videos of flying turtles, rainbow unicorns and your competitors' products? We think you will get better marketing results if your viewers stay focused on your video. So we designed bizVideo's Coherent Campaign Interface to ensure there are no other videos in sight. Your viewer stays focused on your video and your message. Once your video grabs their interest, you want to capitalize on that interest. In fact their peak point of interest is when they are watching your video. So bizVideo's Coherant Campaign Interface lets them share their contact information, make a comment or submit a question at any time. Even while your video is still playing! If your prospect has to link to another screen to access your contact form, they may never come back. Why take the risk? The bizVideo contact form is right on the screen with your video. They don't have to click anything or go anywhere to share. With bizVideo, there are no clicks, no links and no distractions. Just your video campaign and your invitation to share and inquire. You capitalize on their peak point of interest to maximize your response rate. That's how you can harness the true power of video marketing.
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Launch : Get Your Video Campaign Seen by More People Headline/Subject Line: Want more people to see your video? Prelauch CTA: Click the link to learn more about using bizVideo in your video marketing and saving upto 70%. Launch CTA: Click the link to open your bizVideo account today and save upto 70%!
Message Body The biggest problem with most video marketing is that too few people ever see your video. What good is your video if no one ever sees it? You need bizVideo. Putting your video into a bizVideo campaign is like booking your video into a million theaters around the world. More people are going to see it and that produces more results. You can deliver your video campaigns to your target audience in a web page, a text message, an email, texting and through every social media platform known to man. They can open your video from your business card, brochures, flyers, printed coupons, post cards, magazine ads, yard signs, T-shirts and even from a television ad. They can use any digital device to watch your video including tablets, cell phones, laptops or desktops. They don't need to download any apps, log into any web sites or install any special media players. All they need to see your video campaign is an internet connection.
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Launch : Respond at their peak point of interest with bizVideo Headline/Subject Line: Saving time makes you money Prelauch CTA: Click on the link to learn more about responding with bizVideo and how you could save upto 70% off the regular price. Launch CTA: : Open your bizVideo account today and save upto 70%! Just click on the Buy Now button.
Message Body It's nice to know how many views you have. But it's critical to know which viewers are interested in your product or service. Those are the folks you need to respond to,,,and fast! When it comes to responding to leads, time really is money. Your chances of qualifying a new lead are best within the first five minutes after they submit their inquiry or share their contact info. Wait just five more minutes and your chances of qualifying that lead drop 400%! Even making contact within the first hour gives you a 7 times better chance than the second hour so time really is money in your pocket. That's why bizVideo puts your hot leads into My Call List instantly. You can access My Call List from your laptop or cell to see their name, phone number, comments or questions within seconds. Using Call on the Go, you can respond to that hot lead via text message, email or an old fashioned phone call. With bizVideo it all takes place in real time so you can respond immediately keeping the odds in your favor. Only bizVideo makes it this easy for you to respond to your new leads in minutes. And minutes mean money.
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Launch : Video marketing in 3 easy steps Headline/Subject Line: Video marketing in 3 easy steps Prelauch CTA: Click on the link to learn more about building bizVideo campaigns and how you can save upto 70% off the regular price. Launch CTA: : Open your bizVideo account today and start building your business with video marketing. Click on the Buy Now button and save upto 70%!
Message Body We all suffer with lots of things injecting complexity into our daily lives. Thankfully bizVideo isn't one of them. We kept bizVideo simple with an easy to learn interface and a logical flow. You can build your bizVideo campaign in three minutes and update a campaign in less than one. Building your bizVideo campaign can be as simple as 1, 2, 3. First you give your campaign a title. Second, you select a video from your gallery or from your YouTube channel. Third, you add your offer or promotional text It really can be that simple. These three steps is all it takes to build a campaign. If you want to add some promotional text, you can write a few short lines about your offer or paste in a link. And if you want a particular picture to front your video, you select it from your gallery. So building your bizVideo campaign is easy and fast. We used complex technology to do all the work for you. You just write a few short lines of text and click on some menu selections. It really is that simple. What's even easier is putting your campaign on any online channel. You simply copy your campaign link (it's right there on your Links screen) and paste it into your email or web page or whatever you want. Copy and paste is all it takes. You have no idea what size screen your viewers will be using. So bizVideo automatically adjusts the display size for any device. Desktop monitor, laptop screen, tablet or cell phone, you don't have to do a thing. It's that easy. Open your bizVideo account today, simplify your video marketing.
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Launch : Harness the power of video marketing Headline/Subject Line: Harness the power of video marketing Prelauch CTA: Click on the link to learn more about bizVideo and how you could save upto 70% off the regular price. Launch CTA: : Open your bizVideo account today and begin using the power of video marketing to grow your business. Do it now and you can save upto 70%! Just click on the Buy Now button.
Message Body The power of video is its ability to grab and hold peoples' attention. But your video cannot capture their names or email addresses. Inviting your prospects to share their contact data and capturing that data is a job for your bizVideo campaign. Capture Prospect Contact Data: bizVideo aligns the invitation form with the video on the same screen. There is no need to link to another web page or screen. There are no links, no clicks to enter a question or make a comment. You never risk their not returning to your campaign because they never have to leave. Your viewers can share their contact info at any time, even while your video is playing. Built in CRM: After they submit their contact data or inquiry, bizVideo's built in CRM takes over. Each new lead is added to "My Call List". bizVideo automatically builds your mailing list for you and every lead is opted in. That means My Call List is ready to be used as My Email List. You can access My Call List from your tablet, laptop or cell phone. Using bizVideo's "Call On the Go" features you can send them a text or give them a call. It all happens in real time so you could actually call them before they even finish watching your video! Quick response is the key to opening a dialogue and establishing a relationship. In fact you have a 400% better chance of qualifying a lead if you contact them within five minutes. Speedy response is how you nurture your leads and close more sales. Easy To Use: Launching your bizVideo campaign could not be easier. You can record a video, build and launch your campaign, just using your phone. And you can update your video at any time, in real time. bizVideo is the first marketing tool designed to harness the true power of video marketing.
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Launch : Use Promo Text to make more money Headline/Subject Line: Use Promo Text to make more money Prelauch CTA: To learn more about using Promo Text to make money, and how to save upto 70% off retail. Just click on the link. Launch CTA: : Open your bizVideo account today and start using promo text to build more effective bizVideo campaigns. Take advantage of our Launch Campaign discount to save upto 70%. Click on the Buy Now button.
Message Body One of the keys to your video marketing success is the Promo Text. These few lines of text appear just below your video and can be seen even while your video is playing. This critical real estate provides you an opportunity to reinforce or add to the message in your video. Ways to make money with Promo Text: With viewers' attention spans measured in seconds, they may not watch your entire video. If the biggest benefit of your offer is a "free trial" then say so here just in case they don't watch your entire video. They may scan your promo text before they open your video. So treat your promo text like the subject line of an email. Use it to entice them to open your video. This could significantly affect your open rate and conversions. Of course you could simply use this space to state the name of your product or company. Even this simple message may help that name stick in their memory. Linking Campaigns: Even more important than the text could be the link you insert in the promo text field. For a direct sale campaign you could include a link to your sales page, online store or order form. That can significantly increase your conversion rate and sales. You can link to another bizVideo campaign, creating a campaign series. This works great for complex and high dollar products that are not easily explored in one short video. Link multiple training classes from an entire course. Students don't have to leave your campaign to open the next class, thus minimizing your drop off rate per video. Add links to your registration page for an event. Link your campaign to your Facebook page or landing page on your web site. It's easy to create customized layouts for the promo text field within bizVideo. The possibilities are endless and restricted only by your imagination.
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Launch : Never suffer from old links again Headline/Subject Line: Never suffer from old links again Prelauch CTA: To learn more about keeping your campaigns current and how to save upto 70%, click on the link. Launch CTA: : Open your bizVideo account today and save upto 70% on your new account. Click on the Buy Now button to see how.
Message Body One of the biggest problems with most video marketing is that you cannot change your video. If you change your video, you have to publish a new link to that new video. The original link only opens the original video. Unless your video campaign is a bizVideo campaign. Standard video marketing forces you to build and pay for a whole new campaign if you update your video content. Your original campaign link can only open your original video. It cannot handle a new video. So changing or updating your video means producing a new campaign and republishing wherever you put that campaign. In most cases this is true if you update any element of your campaign, even text or graphics or audio. Any changes demand a new campaign. Even worse, there's no way to remove old web pages from the Internet. When someone clicks on your old blog/web page/email or social posting they will see your old video with its old, outdated information. Forever... Using QR codes in a mailer, poster or brochure is even worse. Change your video and you have to reprint and redistribute all your marketing collateral again. That costs you time and money. And there's no way to get those old mailers, flyers, brochures and posters back. All that old incorrect information just stays out there forever. In today's fast changing world this makes no sense. So we built a video marketing system that works in today's world. We built bizVideo. With bizVideo you can change or update any element of your campaign at any time, in real time. No need to change any campaign links. All your links update automatically. Everything updates instantly, in real time. With bizVideo, your campaign changes as fast as you can refresh your screen. Even if a prospect clicks on your campaign link or scans the QR code a year from now, they will see your latest up to date video content. Using bizVideo, there are no "old" videos out there. Not anywhere on the Internet or on any posters or mailers. Only bizVideo ensures that your viewers always see your latest campaign content. Start your video marketing today with today's video marketing system, bizVideo.
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Launch : Extract more value from your webinar or meeting Headline/Subject Line: Extract more value from your webinar or meeting Prelauch CTA: To learn more about leveraging your webinar/meeting with bizVideo click on the link. We will also show you how to save upto 70% off the regular price. Launch CTA: Open your bizVideo account today and save upto 70% while leveraging the value of your webinar/meeting video. Click on the Buy Now button now!
Message Body COVID 19 has moved us all to video conferencing for meetings and events. After your meeting or webinar, you can store a recorded video of your meeting or event. But what if you could do more? What if you could leverage that investment of time and information to build your business and better serve your audience? You can, with bizVideo. You can use your webinar/meeting video in a bizVideo campaign. As a video campaign, you can distribute your meeting like any other marketing video. That means you can help your audience access your webinar/meeting through email, a web page, social media or any online channel or even offline sources such as your flyers. With bizVideo's share buttons they can share your webinar with their friends with just one click, thereby increasing your audience. In addition to viewing your webinar/meeting, they can submit questions and comments via the bizVideo interface, thus turning your prerecorded video into an interactive event. They can share their contact data so you can add them to your mailing list. You could even provide a link to let them subscribe to your service, or purchase the video or any other item. With bizVideo it's easy to push the campaign out to them. Use your webinar/meeting as a marketing campaign to attract new prospects. Let folks see the value of what you offer and bring in new customers. They don't need to download any new apps or special media players. Your webinar/meeting is available to them anytime and anywhere. They can watch it on any device including their cell, laptop, desktop or tablet. All they need is an Internet connection. Of course, bizVideo makes it easy for you to respond to their inquiries and leads. All new leads go directly into your bizVideo account and appear on My Call List. Using bizVideo's Call On the Go feature, you can respond to their comments and questions anytime via text, email or a phone call. Make your webinar/meeting readily available with bizVideo. Leverage your video as a marketing and sales tool to build your list and your business. Learn who is watching and what they need help with. Open a dialogue with your audience members and better serve your customers. It's all possible with bizVideo.
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Launch : Furnish YouTube's missing elements Headline/Subject Line: Furnish YouTube's missing elements Prelauch CTA: Click on the link to learn more about bizVideo and how you could save upto 70% off the regular price. Launch CTA: : Open your bizVideo account today and begin gathering crucial data from YouTube tomorrow. Do it now and you can save upto 70% ! Simply click on the Buy Now button.
Message Body It is unfortunate that YouTube cannot provide the marketing elements that are crucial for growing your business. It cannot provide you with a prospect's name, phone number or email address. Information that is critical in your effort to establish a relationship with interested and motivated prospects. The good news is that bizVideo provides this critical information. The even better news is that you can enhance YouTube with bizVideo two ways. The first is to paste your bizVideo campaign QR code into your YouTube video. As the video plays, viewers can scan the QR code which will open your bizVideo campaign. That campaign can offer additional information and invite them to submit inquiries or request your free give away or some other offer. bizVideo then captures their contact data along with their inquiry. The second method is to insert a YouTube video into your bizVideo campaign. When prospects open your bizVideo campaign, they can view your YouTube video without the distractions that YouTube imposes. They can also share their contact data and submit inquiries. Either way the result is an enhanced version of YouTube, where new leads are immediately available on your laptop, tablet and cell phone. You can respond to their inquires via email, text message or a phone conversation within seconds. You have now identified the persons who are interested, what they are interested in and have opened a direct line of communication with them. That is how you leverage your investment in YouTube with bizVideo. It's fast and it's easy and it's proven to work.
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Launch : Supercharge email marketing with bizVideo Headline/Subject Line: Supercharge email marketing with bizVideo Prelauch CTA: Click on the link to learn more about bizVideo and how you could save upto 70% off the regular price. Launch CTA: : Open your bizVideo account today and save upto 70% while supercharging your email marketing! Simply click on the Buy Now button.
Message Body Email is still one of the most popular vehicles for marketing. Video is the most powerful vehicle for marketing. Combining video with your emails can supercharge your email campaigns. And it's easy to do with bizVideo. There are three ways to add your bizVideo campaign to any email. The first is to simply add your campaign link anywhere in the text of your message. As they read your email they see the link and click on it to open your bizVideo campaign. This is as easy as copy and paste. The second way is visually more powerful. You select a graphic or picture and embed your bizVideo link. When they click on the picture/graphic, your bizVideo campaign opens. The third way is to add the link to your email signature or into the footer. They will see the link in your signature or they will spot it in the footer at the bottom of the page. These locations work great for a general video campaign. Something about the company or you or your product for those who may be meeting you for the first time. So there you have it. Three easy ways to supercharge your email marketing with bizVideo.
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Launch : Overcome social media's biggest limitation Headline/Subject Line: Overcome social media's biggest limitation Prelauch CTA: Click on the link to learn more about leveraging social media marketing with bizVideo and how you could save upto 70% off the regular price. Launch CTA: : Open your bizVideo account today and save upto 70% while leveraging social media with video marketing! Just click on the Buy Now button.
Message Body Social media is an important component of your marketing plans. But platforms like TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn and others present a truly serious limitation. They are incapable of providing you with a prospect's name, phone number or email address. Information that is critical to you for establishing relationships and growing sales. But bizVideo has an elegant and easy solution. Post your bizVideo campaigns on your social media pages. When prospects view your bizVideo post, they can share their contact data and submit questions directly to you. bizVideo captures their contact data and inquiries, then provides that data to you. No need to back through the social media site. bizVideo provides that critical direct connection between you and your prospect. bizVideo also makes it easy for you to respond directly to them. All prospect data is instantly added to your bizVideo CRM and appears on your cell phone. You can respond immediately via text message, email or a simple phone call. Posting your bizVideo campaign on any social media platform is easy. A simple copy and paste is all it takes to leverage your social marketing investment with bizVideo. Now you can identify which individuals are interested, retrieve their contact information and respond to their inquiries in an instant. That is how you leverage the power of social media with bizVideo.
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